Packages: weekly allotments of time,

billed in monthly increments.

Starting at $600 per month.

3 Hours / Week:

Examples of work I do with my clients in this package include (but are not limited to) project deadline management, calendar management, email management, light social media assistance, and more. Every client is different, which is what makes basing these packages on time rather than tasks so ideal.


5 Hours / Week:

Building upon the previous package, clients at this tier, for example, allow more room for video content, multiple social media platforms and/or posts per week, routine data input, and weekly meetings. If you already have a team in place and/or are growing, this package allows for time spent in a team setting.


10 Hours / Week:

Let’s make some magic together! This package allows true breathing room each week for more assistance. Especially well-suited to clients who already have some structure in place, and are ready to have help taking numerous tasks off of their plate. Delegate that daunting to-do list so that you can dream even bigger.

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